Join The Circle
Our mission is to resource young people to live well through the changing of an age. The Pioneer Circle is a community of 8 - 18-year-old pioneers and the families who support them. We offer a premium subscription service to our goal setting app, weekly video content, monthly coaching calls, group challenges, and personal encouragement.
What is a Pioneer?
In every generation, the pioneers emerge.
The innovators, the dreamers …
The laborers, the creators.
In the past, the pioneers were the ones who went first, who blazed a trail into the unknown for all to follow.
But at this crossroads of human development, could it be that our next generation is a whole generation of pioneers?
New paths must be forged in politics, religion, health care, finance, education, foreign relations, science, energy, and technology.
New conversations will emerge about faith, work, and what it means to be human.
New questions will be asked, new voices will develop, new challenges will arise, and new opportunities will expand.
As this generation of pioneers rises to embrace possibility, they need a community to come alongside them, to champion their progress and equip them with a compass to navigate the undiscovered spaces ahead.
What ethos will guide our pioneers into the brightest tomorrow?
Perhaps it begins with:
An awareness of environment, a deep appreciation for the world we will live in, and a willingness to nurture beauty in and around us.
A sense of interconnection, a realization that all of human flourishing is grounded in relationship and community.
A commitment to virtues such as integrity, generosity, loyalty, authenticity, self-discipline, and persistence.
A passion for health, with a motivation to integrate our physical, mental, social, and spiritual selves into a balanced whole on a journey of wellness.
A lifestyle of love, which embraces the inherent worth of humanity as beloved, beautiful, unique creations of God.
A personal faith, a grounding in a purpose beyond ourselves and in the story of ultimate redemption.
A pursuit of meaning, a decision to live a life of purpose and to leave people and places better than we found them.
Pioneers begin with imagination, endure through determination, and finish with courage.
Our mission at Circle A is to prepare the pioneers of the future by equipping them with the knowledge, values, and experiences to cultivate their growth and becoming.
To the pioneers who make up our next generation…
You are already in the Circle.
Come join your fellow pioneers on an epic adventure.
Family Plan
$50 monthly (includes up to 4 parent email or text numbers and 4 child email or text numbers)
EVRY App – receive daily reminders to help you read your goals every morning and every night
Weekly encouragement of motivational and inspirational messages from Circle A LTs and Alumni
·Monday Message – weekly video sent to text or email with motivation and encouragement to kick off your week!
Monthly challenges – work alongside your friends in the Pioneer Circle to complete challenges and win prizes!
Monthly group coaching teen call – join others in the Pioneer Circle to learn and celebrate together
Monthly group coaching parent call – join others in the Pioneer Circle to learn and encourage each other
Early registration and discounts for the Annual Circle A Summit
Early registration and discounts for Pioneer Circle Coaching – launching 2024
Individual Plan
$25 monthly (includes one email and one phone number)
EVRY App – receive daily reminders to help you read your goals every morning and every night (we plan to expand app content and features as we grow the Pioneer Circle)
Weekly encouragement sent of motivational and inspirational messages from Circle A LTs and Alumni
Monday Message – weekly video sent to text or email with motivation and encouragement to kick off your week!
Early registration and discounts for the Annual Circle A Summit
Early registration and discounts for Pioneer Circle Coaching – launching January 2024